"Gold and Oil, The Legacy and Menace of the Niagara" exhibition by Nicola Everett PHOTOS. Top: Nicola with author Keith Gordon. (copies of 'Deep Water Gold' by Keith Gordon are available at the Mangawhai Artists Gallery, Keith is donating the proceeds to MAI ) Bottom left: Nicola and Mike Lee, guest speaker. Bottom right: Wendy and Colin Leach talking with Belinda Vernon. Councillor Mike Lee, Waitemata and Huaraki Gulf, Auckland, spoke at the exhibition; 'I was impressed at the turnout and the depth of concern in Mangawhai about the threat the oil from the wreck poses. I guess it’s not surprising because the wreck of the Niagara lies only about 20 nautical miles away. Nicola Everett’s exhibition is a virtuoso display of multi-disciplinary art. ‘Gold and Oil’ presents the beauty of the natural world she is clearly close to, with the unseen menace that threatens it. The work leaves no doubt that the artist is also driven by a deep sense of looming disaster. This is a woman who has worked so hard to ‘hammer out a warning’, to her community and to the government. Unfortunately the silence from Wellington remains deafening.’ |
April 2021