Samantha Minnery
Glass work
My fascination with glass started when I was a child around the age of six, I was taken to visit Bill Bestic, a family friend in Gore Bay. I still have the image etched firmly in my head, as we walked into his studio I felt my heart light up, as if it was on fire! I stood there and gazed in awe at a piece of his work leaning against the window. It was illuminated by the natural light & it glowed, we seemed to glow together. I remember wishing then that when I was old enough, I too could make pieces of such magical beauty!
Life took some spiraling turns and 30 years later whilst studying a Bachelor in Design & Visual Arts, Contemporary Craft I walked into the ceramics barn and there it happened again, my heart was on fire, the same fire I had felt as a child.......two friends were slumping a glass dome, they opened the kiln at a crucial moment long enough for me to see a glowing mass of molten glass! It took my breath away and for the first time in my adult life I knew that I wanted to make it all about glass for the next three years of my time studying!
I was fortunate enough to intern with Te Rongo Kirkwood who's artistic, intuitive and spiritual expression I admire greatly, Te Rongo has been a fantastic mentor and friend.
Vicki Fanning has also been a great inspiration to me as a visiting Industry Professional during my last year at Unitec. Vicki introduced me to flame working, the art of manipulating glass rod with a flame working torch which is what I am using create the majority of my work at present.
They say the things that light your heart up as a child and continue to do so along life's journey is your soul's way of guiding you through your destined listen and be shown....
My fascination with glass started when I was a child around the age of six, I was taken to visit Bill Bestic, a family friend in Gore Bay. I still have the image etched firmly in my head, as we walked into his studio I felt my heart light up, as if it was on fire! I stood there and gazed in awe at a piece of his work leaning against the window. It was illuminated by the natural light & it glowed, we seemed to glow together. I remember wishing then that when I was old enough, I too could make pieces of such magical beauty!
Life took some spiraling turns and 30 years later whilst studying a Bachelor in Design & Visual Arts, Contemporary Craft I walked into the ceramics barn and there it happened again, my heart was on fire, the same fire I had felt as a child.......two friends were slumping a glass dome, they opened the kiln at a crucial moment long enough for me to see a glowing mass of molten glass! It took my breath away and for the first time in my adult life I knew that I wanted to make it all about glass for the next three years of my time studying!
I was fortunate enough to intern with Te Rongo Kirkwood who's artistic, intuitive and spiritual expression I admire greatly, Te Rongo has been a fantastic mentor and friend.
Vicki Fanning has also been a great inspiration to me as a visiting Industry Professional during my last year at Unitec. Vicki introduced me to flame working, the art of manipulating glass rod with a flame working torch which is what I am using create the majority of my work at present.
They say the things that light your heart up as a child and continue to do so along life's journey is your soul's way of guiding you through your destined listen and be shown....